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Monday, February 12, 2007

I had to delete my old blog, 'cause my anonymity had been compromised. I feel much better now, beginning from scratch. So let me start with this pathetic story:

I'm an addict. I'm addicted to checking up on people who won't talk to me anymore that used to be my close friends. Fortunately for me, MySpace makes this relatively easy, as my most recent obsession (I call them Ex-Friend, or EF for short) is a member, albeit not a very active one.

EF and I used to be inseparable. (Is that how you spell that word? I have no idea.) And then EF moved to a new town, found a new friend who was similar to me in a lot of ways, and basically began treating me like an unwanted stray dog. So I cut EF out of my life (in a very kind way, if you want my and my best friend, G's, opinion).

Having said that, I still miss the little shit, and so every once in a while will go onto EF's MySpace profile page to see if there's anything new. Now, keep in mind, EF doesn't actually write anything on their profile page; most of my info comes from comments other members have posted to EF's profile, or by going to EF's band's site, which often has info on their upcoming performances, and their friends will sometimes post pics of their gigs, so I can "see" EF, too.

I've officially gone off the Sanity Pier.

Anyway, apparently EF has moved, altho' I don't know when or to where or with whom. And EF looks good -- really good. Damn.

And while it's what I promised myself I needed, it's hard to realize that this friend is actually gone for good. Sucks ass, if the truth be told. Damn...again...

Anyway, that's that. Done for now. And welcome to my new blog!

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