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Sunday, December 21, 2008

I recently went back and re-read everything I've posted thus far on this blog. I was prompted to do so by the simple occurrence of something that I hadn't planned for: letting someone I know that I was the author of this site.

As clumsily put as that last sentence was -- and I assure you, there are plenty more even clumsier ones to follow -- the bottom line is that I told someone that I know in my "real" life about this blog, and that I was the one who wrote this blog, effectively eliminating any pretense of anonymity that I may have wished to retain. I did this 'cause my friend let me in on her own personal blog, and I figured that fair is fair.

I don't regret the decision, not altogether. I worry now that I won't be as open and honest 'cause someone I know may or may not read what I write here. Do I have to begin to be grammatically correct, or coherent? Must I have a clear train of thought when I write? Do I have to go back and edit and edit and edit?


So, here is my promise: I will do everything in my power to continue to write as though no one in the world knows who I am. I need that for myself, even if no one else is reading this. I have to believe somehow, in a odd and almost morbid fashion, that what I write and share here will move another human being, or at the very least amuse them.

That is my wish.

Anyway, I'm very, very hungry right now, and must eat immediately. More later, I hope.

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